Feline Dental Packages - Carolina Animal Hospital of Creedmoor - Creedmoor, NC

Carolina Animal Hospital of Creedmoor

2552 Capitol Drive, Suite 103
Creedmoor, NC 27522




Feline Dental Packages



Care Plan Estimate: Feline Dental Procedure Grade I / II


Dental Treatment Package Group I / II

Office Visit & Medical Records

Exam: Anesthesia Procedure

Hospital Day Care: Pre/Post Operative


Blood Chemistry - Feline: Major

T4 Thyroid / Cholesterol

Acepromazine Inj. Sedation

Butorphanol Inj. Sedation

Anesthesia Support: IV Catheter

Anesthesia Support: IV Fluids

Narcotic Pain Relief Injection

Anesthesia Induction Injection

Isoflurane Inhalant Gas: First 30 Min.

Isoflurane Inhalant Gas: Addition Min.

ECG, Blood Pressure, Temperature Monitor

Staff Monitoring: Anesth. Support

NSAID Pain Relief Injection

Feline Level I / II: Dental Cleaning

Feline Dental Package Grade I /II : $270.00 / $325.00


Please see the Estimate Guide page for further information on our dental procedures.

Unless your pet has received a dental evaluation and grading by our Veterinarian, you will need to schedule an evaluation appointment with our office before you may schedule a dentistry procedure.


Care Plan Estimate: Feline Dental Procedure Grade III / IV



Dental Treatment Package Group III / IV

Office Visit & Medical Records

Exam: Anesthesia Procedure

Hospital Day Care: Pre/Post Operative


Blood Chemistry - Feline: Major

T4 Thyroid / Cholesterol

Acepromazine Inj. Sedation

Butorphanol Inj. Sedation

Anesthesia Support: IV Catheter

Anesthesia Support: IV Fluids

Narcotic Pain Relief Injection

Anesthesia Induction Injection

Isoflurane Inhalant Gas: First 30 Min.

Isoflurane Inhalant Gas: Addition Min.

ECG, Blood Pressure, Temperature Monitor

Staff Monitoring: Anesth. Support

Radiology: Digital Dental Survey Films

Feline Level III / IV: Dental Cleaning

Dental Surgery & Suture Time

Suture Materials, Excess

Radiology: Post Extraction Films

NSAID Pain Relief Injection

Long Acting Narcotic Pain Relief Injection

Miscellaneous Medications

(Additional Pain Relief / Antibiotics)

Feline Dental Package Grade III / IV

Estimated Range: $ 380.00 - $700.00 / $ 550.00 - 1200.00

Please see the Estimate Guide page for further information on our dental procedures.

Unless your pet has received a dental evaluation and grading by our Veterinarian, you will need to schedule an evaluation appointment with our office before you may schedule a dentistry procedure.

* Please note:

The price range listed for Dental Procedures graded at level III / IV are estimated ranges only. The final fee is based on the amount of time required to perform surgical extraction of teeth and gingival (gum) surgery as well as additional medical materials needed to perform treatment or medications sent home.

There are also specific dental disease issues which exceed the ability of our hospital to treat in a medically appropriate manner consistent with our practice mission and philosophies - such as the option for salvaging teeth via root canals (endodontic) or jaw bone surgical procedures. In these instances clients interested in these advanced care options will be offered a referral to the Board Certified Veterinary Dentistry Specialists at North Carolina State University's Veterinary School or to the Veterinary Dental Clinic of North Carolina.