Kitten Wellness Package - Carolina Animal Hospital of Creedmoor - Creedmoor, NC

Carolina Animal Hospital of Creedmoor

2552 Capitol Drive, Suite 103
Creedmoor, NC 27522



General Kitten Visit Information


Kitten Wellness Care Package

Just as with humans, the first year of life for a kitten requires several visits to the doctor - Carolina Animal Hospital of Creedmoor is committed to helping you get your new kitten started off in life on the right foot which includes proper preventative care immunizations, viral testing and parasite screening. Because of these basic medical needs and their associated costs, we have developed a lower cost Kitten Wellness Care Package to make this first year more affordable to you. When all of our preventative care recommendations for your kitten are followed at each visit the fees will be First Visit: $ 120, Second Visit: $ 80 and Third Visit: $ 80 and includes the services and products identified with our 8, 12 and 16 week kitten schedule below:

The Kitten Wellness Care Package does not include:

Additional doses of Flea / Tick / Heartworm prevention (Revolution Plus) beyond the single dose per visit.

Medical care for illness or injury conditions - examinations, diagnostic testing or treatment.

Spay or Neuter surgical procedures - Kittens which complete our 3 Visit Kitten Package Series will be eligible for a $ 50 credit for their Spay or Neuter recommended age range.

Additional or Follow-up confirmation testing for Feline Leukemia Virus or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus


To be eligible for the Kitten Package Pricing, Kittens must be 3 months (12 weeks) or younger at the start of preventative care.  For patients older than 12 weeks at their initial exam, a specific care plan appropriate for their age will be necessary and prices will then be based on those specific services.

Our preventative care recommendations as outlined in Kitten Visits 8, 12 and 16 weeks below must be followed.



Examination and Consultation: Initial Kitten Visit

A full physical examination will be performed to evaluate your kitten and help identify congenital (born-with) problems as well as symptoms of infectious disease. We examine our kitten patients from head to toe for issues such as heart murmurs, hernias, abnormal bones and joints, evidence of fleas, ticks, and ear mites.

In addition, with new kitten owners we begin discussions about general healthcare topics such as (1) proper nutrition and feeding - making specific diet recommendations when we feel it is appropriate to advise our clients of a need to change brands, (2) Infectious disease prevention - avoiding areas where contagious diseases may be most likely to be present (3) Heartworm, intestinal, flea and tick parasite prevention and often discuss (4) litter box habits and questions on how to help you to consider whether or not to really de-claw your kitten.



Juvenile Progress Appointment: Follow-up Kitten Visits

After your kitten's initial visit with a full physical examination, their scheduled visits occur at 4 week intervals (8, 12, & 16 weeks of age) and will be conducted Registered Veterinary Technician appointments. These visits focus on the progress of your kitten's normal physical development, as well as to administer critical booster vaccines and to afford you the opportunity to ask additional questions of our qualified staff. They are designed to be relatively brief appointments (fifteen to twenty minutes) and are billed at a significantly reduced examination fee.

However, if you suspect your kitten has a problem or is otherwise ill - it is vital to mention these concerns when you make an appointment so that we may schedule an appropriate amount of time to address problems. This is the difference between normal routine Wellness Care and Illness / Injury visits.



Feline Leukemia Virus / Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FELV/FIV) Testing

A small sample of your kitten's blood will be taken to perform a 10 minute 'snap' test for Feline Leukemia Virus or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus exposure. If your kitten tests positive for either of these two potentially fatal viral infections, we will discuss options for confirming their positive status. This is a very important test for all kittens to undergo.



Fecal Floatation: Intestinal Parasite Detection

We will obtain a sample of your kitten's stool (feces) and process it in a special Ova-float solution for microscopic evaluation. During the microscopic examination, we identify the 'Ova' or eggs shed by some of the adult parasites that may already be living within your kitten. If we find evidence of a specific type of parasitic egg in the fecal floatation, we will prescribe an appropriate pharmaceutical product to help eliminate them. For more information on Kitten Parasites



Strongid Deworming Paste

In the event we do not identify any 'Ova' in the sample, we will administer a general de-worming paste as a precautionary step. However if we identify certain forms of intestinal parasites during the microscopic fecal examination, we will prescribe additional medications. Some of the intestinal parasites affecting kittens can be also be carried or transferred by humans.



Heartworm, Flea and Tick Prevention

Generally, we recommend all kittens start heartworm parasite prevention at eight weeks of age. In most cases, we will recommend the use of feline Revolution Plus which also has effectiveness as a flea & tick preventative. For more information on Kitten Parasites



Kitten Visit Schedule


8 Weeks: (40 Minute Appointment) $ 120.00

            - Complete Physical Examination With Our Veterinarians

            - Fecal Flotation: Intestinal Parasite Screen

            - Feline Leukemia Virus / Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FELV / FIV) Testing

            - De-Worming Paste Administered

            - Vaccine: FVRCP # 1 - Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Virus  

            - Vaccine: FELV # 1 - Feline Leukemia Virus

            - Start Heartworm / Flea / Tick Prevention, Single Dose


12 Weeks: (30 Minute Appointment) $ 80.00

            - Registered Veterinary Technician Appointment

            - Fecal Floatation: Intestinal Parasite Screen

            - De-Worming Paste Administered

            - Vaccine: FVRCP # 2 - Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Virus 

            - Vaccine: FELV # 2 - Feline Leukemia Virus

            - Continue Heartworm / Flea / Tick Prevention, Single Dose


16 Weeks: (30 Minute Appointment) $ 80.00

            - Registered Veterinary Technician Appointment

            - Fecal Floatation: Intestinal Parasite Screen - if previously positive samples occurred

            - De-Worming Paste Administered

            - Vaccine: FVRCP # 2 - Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Virus         

            - Vaccine: Rabies - 1 Year Tag and Certificate

            - Continue Heartworm / Flea / Tick Prevention, Single Dose


24 -30 Weeks: Surgical Appointment Package

            - Surgical Procedure: Find details under Spay or Neuter Procedure section

            - Pre-Anesthetic Physical Examination

            - Blood Profile Testing Performed: Liver, Kidney and other organ function evaluated

            - Intravenous catheter (IV) placed and IV fluid support during entire procedure

            - Pre-Procedure Sedation, Tranquilization and Pre-emptive Pain Medications

            - Post-Procedure Pain Relief Provided to all surgical procedure patients.


1 Year and 4 Months: 40 Minute Appointment - First 'Young Adult' Visit

            - Complete Physical Examination

            - Fecal Floatation: Intestinal Parasite Screen

            - Vaccine: FVRCP 1 Year Booster- Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Virus 

            - Vaccine: FELV 1 Year Booster - Feline Leukemia Virus: If indoor /outdoor cat or in contact with outdoor cats.

            - Vaccine: Rabies 1 Year Booster - Tag and Certificate

            - Continue Heartworm / Flea / Tick Prevention.